- The title of the Branch shall be the: ‘The Royal Marines Association & Club, Deal’. 2. The registered office of the Branch/Club, shall be; 37 The Strand, Walmer, Kent. 3. The abbreviated title of the Branch/Club shall be; The ‘RMA Deal’.
- The ‘RMA Deal’ also includes ‘Social Club’ members who are afforded full use of the facilities and status.
- The Deal Branch falls within the Rules and Bye-laws of the Royal Marines Association (HQ) and uses the Registered Charity Number – 1134205. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) also allows the Social Club, to officially use the name – RMA.
- The objectives of the ‘RMA Deal’ are:
(i) To maintain and promote fellowship and focus on the welfare of members and former members of the Royal Marines.
(ii) To maintain contact with each other and provided updates with the activities of the Corps.
(iii) To arrange for the investigation of cases of hardship and other welfare issues among its members and to initiate an appropriate response from existing benevolent organisations.
(iv) To establish and maintain contact with all external organisations who specialise in the welfare of the armed forces and to ensure that due consideration is given to the interest of former Royal Marines.
(v) Whenever funds are available, to contribute to those armed forces charities that provide welfare assistance to former Royal Marines and the Corps family.
(vi) To encourage and welcome individuals who have no association with the either the Royal Marines or the Armed Forces, who are genuinely interested in the ethos and objectives behind the Association and Club, to become social members.
- There are three categories of membership that have been adapted from the list identified within the Headquarters Royal Marines Association Constitution (copy on notice board).
(i) Full Branch – Members shall be confined to Royal Marines and members of the WRNS who are serving or who have served on the strength of a Royal Marines Unit, Formation or Establishment.
(ii) Branch Associate – Members who are family namely; wives, husbands, widows, sons and daughters of serving or former Royal Marines and WRNS.
(iii) Social – Members who do not fit into any of the above categories and have applied and have been accepted as members of the Club and enjoy full use of the facilities.
- All members shall be provided with a membership card.
- Membership is for one year and must be renewed annually.
- Members are requested to carry their membership card on their person at all times whilst on Club premises, as proof of their current membership.
- The General Committee (Branch & Social) shall have full discretion to refuse or cancel the admission of any membership. Full and Branch Associate members only, have the right of appeal to the South East Region where membership has been refused or cancelled. Thereafter, any appeal has to be lodged with the Executive of the RMA – RM Charity.
- Every person wishing to become a member must be proposed and seconded by two Branch Members on completion of an application form for either category of membership i.e. Branch or Social.
- The Royal Marines Association is a permanent body which is non-sectarian and non-political in the strictest sense. In no circumstances will it or any of its branches take sides as a body in any political or industrial dispute. Members are entirely free to act as their individual consciences may dictate on any other subject.
- All members are reminded that they must not at any time, bring the name of the Royal Marines into disrepute.
- RMA Deal is composed of:
(i) Branch Members (Full).
(ii) Branch Associate Members.
(iii) Social Members.
- At the head of the RMA Deal is the President, who shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting (AGM). Their term of office shall normally not exceed three years. They shall be eligible for re-election.
- The general management of the affairs of both the Branch and the Social Club shall be directed by the Club Management Team (CMT), elected at an AGM which shall consist of:
∙ Chairman (Branch and Social)
∙ Secretary(s) (Branch and Social)
∙ Assistant Secretary (Branch only)
∙ Membership Secretary (Branch and Social)
∙ Treasurer(s) (Branch and Social)
- All executive roles within both the Committees e.g., Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, shall hold office for three years and shall be eligible for re-election after that term.
- The Club Management Team, is empowered to create special Sub-Committees for the ad-hoc control or investigation of any matter to deal with, where the formation of such Sub-Committee appears to be convenient and desirable. The powers delegated to such Sub-Committees, shall be clearly defined by the Club Management Team.
- The Club Management Team, is also empowered to co-opt members for any special purpose, or to fill vacancies on all Committees or Sub-Committees. Members thus co-opted to fill vacancies shall remain in office until the next AGM.
- Every candidate for office shall be proposed by two members, who have been full members for at least three months.
- Annual subscriptions for all categories of membership are due on January 1st each year and are to be paid no later than March 31st.
- Those granted membership after March 31st of any year, must on joining, pay the full subscription in the first year and thereafter no later than the final renewal date of March 31st annually.
- Failure to pay membership subscription by the deadline can result in that member having to re-apply in writing to the Membership Secretary for re-election.
- Guests, visitors and family members may only be admitted to the Club in accordance with the Club Rules and members must accompany them at all times and shall be responsible for their behaviour.
- Non-members must be signed into the Visitors Book. A maximum of four guests may be signed in by any one member. Where this number exceeds the allowance, another member of the Club may be approached to sign in the remainder, provide the number remaining, does not exceed four. NB: Those members are responsible for oversight on the conduct of their guests.
- Entry to the Club may be restricted from time to time to members and their guests attending a function, for which a fixed payment has been levied, e.g., an RMA Deal Branch Formal Dinner or other such occasions.
- All members and guests will:
(i) Conduct themselves in a responsible manner.
(ii) Respect the rights of all other members, management, staff and committee members. (iii) Not engage in any form of sexual, racial, religious, political or other form of harassment. (iv) Respect the club’s facilities.
(v) Not subject other members, guest, staff, committee members with either abusive conduct, or threatening behaviour.
- Disorderly conduct including drunken behaviour and bad language, is not permitted in the Club.
- The Club Management Team shall have the power to caution, suspend or expel any member whose conduct in or out of the Club, shall in their opinion be prejudicial to the interests of the Club.
- No member shall be suspended or expelled without first having been given an opportunity to explain their conduct before a Discipline Sub-Committee, comprising of no less than three members of the Full Committee (s).
- Seven clear days’ notice in writing shall be given to such members to appear before the Sub-Committee and such notice shall contain a statement of complaint brought against that person.
- The decision of the Sub-Committee, can be the subject of an appeal by the member, to the Club Management Team. Further appeal is permitted to a hearing of the Full Social Club Committee.
- Further appeal is permitted to the South East Region and if rejected, to the Headquarters Executive Committee, if the member is not satisfied with the decision of the Club Management Team, (Branch Members Only).
- If a club member is considered by a member of staff or committee member, as having over- consumed alcohol, they will be refused further alcohol being served. It is for the members of staff to take any action they feel is appropriate or necessary to deal with the situation.
- Members and guests are expected to observe an acceptable standard of dress whilst using the Club premises.
- Sleeveless vests, tracksuits, overalls or other specialised working clothes are not allowed to be worn in the Club.
- During summer months and mild weather, shorts may be worn. They should not be in the category of ‘sportswear’.
- Gentlemen should not wear hats or other headwear in the Club, unless for medical reasons.
- Whilst children are welcome in the Club it is the responsibility of the person bringing them onto the premises to oversee their supervision and ensure good behaviour.
- No annoyance to other Club users will be accepted.
- No young persons (under 18 years of age) are permitted to sit or stand at the bar area. CHILD AND YOUTH SAFETY POLICY
- The RMA Deal is committed to best practice regarding the protection of children from potential harm. To maintain this objective, it is intended to develop individual awareness by staff and members, of a number of issues which might lead to children being harmed or becoming involved in any form of danger due to any of the following scenarios:
∙ Children being exposed to inappropriate behaviour including e.g. strong or offensive language, shouting, swearing, bullying, verbal abuse and criticism
∙ Children being exposed to dangerous or inappropriate adult behaviour e.g. adults who are intoxicated, violent or aggressive
∙ Accidental harm e.g. discarded drinks containers or broken glass
∙ Children purchasing or attempting to purchase alcohol or consuming alcohol ∙ Purchasing alcohol by proxy e.g. adult or friends purchasing alcohol for under aged children ∙ Adults failing to supervise children
∙ Children being exposed to potential, safety risks within the club premises SAFETY MEASURES
- The Club Management Team will put into place the following procedures to ensure that the above policy is adhered to by all members of staff.
∙ Club staff will use sanctions against irresponsible adults
∙ Club staff trained in licensing law regarding the sale of alcohol to minors
∙ Club staff directed to refuse the sale of alcohol to persons who appear to be intoxicated or under 18 years of age
∙ Club staff to receive training regarding recognising their responsibility to promote an environment which has the safety of children/youths as being a priority
- Food and drink may not be brought on to the Club premises for consumption without permission from the steward or member of staff.
- No smoking/vaping is allowed within the club premises or on the front ramp. There is a dedicated smoking area at the rear of the club (table-area). Members should use the receptacles provided for the disposal of used cigarettes.
- Only members and their bona fide guests are allowed to play the gaming machines. 48. Machines will be switched off ten (10) minutes after Bar Closing Time.
- Any plays or credits left in the machines at the time will be forfeited.
- Children are not permitted to play the machines.
- No unauthorised person may enter the bar area of the Club premises.
- All complaints or suggestions must be made in writing, giving full details of the complaint or suggestion. They should be signed by the member and marked for the attention of either; the Branch Secretary (Branch matters) or social matters to the Club Secretary. Anonymous complaints will not be considered.
- Any suggestions or grievance regarding Branch/Club matters will be given due consideration by the appropriate Committees.
- No posters or notices may be displayed on the Club Notice Board without the approval of the Club Chairman or Club Secretary.
- Dogs are allowed in the club EXCEPT when there is an organised function taking place (e.g. wake ). They should be kept on their lead at all times and be well behaved.
- Prams, pushchairs or other carriages are permitted into the club area at the discretion of the Committee. However, they must not be parked in such a way that could block any Fire or Emergency exit.
- There has been a deliberate omission of a number of policies and standard practices that appear in the both RMA Committee(s) Constitutions. This document has been updated on a regular basis since the recent amalgamation of the RMA – The Royal Marine Charity (TRMC).
- Members who wish to update themselves with the information contained within this document, can find a copy on the Information Board within the club premises.